Are you preparing for UPSC & TNPSC examinations? Then, you heard about Manidhanaeyam IAS Academy – Chennai’s premier institute for IAS, UPSC and TNPSC examination. Check out detailed procedure on how to apply for Manidhanaeyam IAS Academy.
About Manidhaneyam IAS Academy:
Manidhaneyam IAS Academy is popular IAS academy in Chennai was started in December 2016 by Mr. Saidai Sa Duraisamy along with Mrs. Mallika Duraisamy and Mr. Vetri Duraisamy M.A.B.L. It is run by Manidhaneyam Charitable Trust, Chennai. Manidhaneyam IAS academy offer free training for UPSC Civil Services Exam, TNPSC Group 1,2,3,4 Exams, VAO, TNUSRB SI Exams and many other competitive exams.
- UPSC coaching for given at Anna Nagar Center
- TNPSC coaching at CIT Nagar branch
First, you have to write entrance exam and to enter for UPSC free Prelims coaching for UPSC preparation. TNPSC aspirants who applied for MNT class can register for the course. UPSC entrance exam will be held in July & exam by August & classes starts in September.
- UPSC coaching is available for both boys and girls. You need to attend the class with formal dress code.
- Manidhaneyam IAS Academy offer UPSC & TNPSC exam at Free of Cost…
- UPSC & Tracing offered by experienced professionals. By taking the class regularly and practicing well you clear the examination easily.
- Manidhaneyam IAS Academy offer free accommodation and food for the students who have cleared UPSC Civil Services Exam Prelims.
How to Apply for Manidhaneyam IAS Academy
Step 1: visit for Manidhaneyam IAS Academy registration

Step 2: Select the examination type
Step 3: click on register to get Member ID

Step 4: Fill the registration form with appropriate details
You will be asked for important details like
- First & Last Name
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Father /Guardian name
- Blood group
- Religion / Community / Caste
- Current Address in Detail
- Upload Recent Image for identity card
- Educational Qualification in details
Step 5: Once getting the Member ID, go back to the course registration form and get enrolled.

Once applying, you will be contacted by mail or SMS… for TNPSC examination, they start coaching with 2 weeks. TNPSC coaching classes will be conducted based on TNPSC examination notification…
FAQ – Frequently Asked Question
First, you have to write entrance exam and to enter for UPSC free Prelims coaching for UPSC preparation. TNPSC aspirants who applied for MNT class can register for the course. UPSC entrance exam will be held in July & exam by August & classes starts in September.
28, CIT 1st Main Rd, CIT Nagar West, CIT Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600035
Exact Date updated Soon
Yes, they offer free coaching for eligible candidates who pass the entrance examination
Hope now you are very clear on how to apply for Manidhaneyam IAS Academy. For more details, please follow TNPSC Updates – leading portal for Tamilnadu Government Jobs.
I can’t able to fill registration form. If I type letters it is not registering.But I can able to type numericals.
I have registered and certificate also given to your cit branch when will you start the class for 2018 please start the classes for tnpsc soon..
When will be the last date for tnpsc registration?
When will be the last date for tnpsc registration
When will be tnpsc registration opening date
When the next tnpsc batch starts